
Narratology in Practice opens up the well-known theory of narrative to substantiate the theory’s interdisciplinary claim. Mieke Bal reduces theory to simple definitions of the main concepts and demonstrates their relevance through brief essays on narrative aspects in visual, cinematic, argumentative, historical, and methodological texts.
Written as a companion to Mieke Bal’s international classic, Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, where the examples focus almost exclusively on literary studies, this new book offers more elaborate analyses of visual media, especially visual art and film. Read independently or in parallel with its companion, Narratology in Practice enables readers to use the suggested concepts as tools to assist them in practicing analysis of narrative. Demonstrating that narrative is not bound to language, Narratology in Practice makes theory useful for students and scholars in a variety of fields in the humanities and social sciences, and beyond.”
Narratology in Practice
Table of Contents
Narratology in Practice
Table of Contents
1 Text: Signs
Preliminary Remarks
1: The Narrator
2: Non-Narrative Comments, Argumentative Narratives
3: Description
4: Levels of Narration
Remarks and Sources
2 Transition: Between Text and Society
Preliminary Remarks
1: Frame Narrative’s Invisible Frame
2: Con-Fusing Meanings
3: Between Narrative and Theatre
4: Con-Fusing Media
3 Story: Aspects
Preliminary Remarks
1: Temporality
2: Characters
3: Space
4: Focalisation
4 Transition: Media in Dialogue
Preliminary Remarks
1: Novel and Film, a Two-Way Street
2: Text Making and Thinking Image
3: Image Making and Thinking in Images
4: Merging Everything
Remarks and Sources
5 Fabula: Elements
Preliminary Remarks
1: Events
2: Actors
3: Time
4: Location