GLUB (Hearts)
2004 | 30mins | Colour
By Mieke Bal & Shahram Entekhabi
Genre: Documentary and Installation
Multi-lingual with English subtitles
Fluidity and fragmentation mark migratory culture in the cityscape
GLUB is Arabic for “hearts” and “seeds.” In Berlin, the shells of seeds testify to migrant cultures within contemporary European urban centres. These traces of passing gestures are “low” icons of migratory aesthetics.
They help constitute an aesthetic because they mark the look of the city that, through these shells and the sociability of the people who left them, has donned a visible aspect of diversity.
One migrant said they eat them to pass the endless time of unemployment. It became a habit, then a tradition, literally incorporating a sense of family and community. The habit has now become characteristic of young migrants in European cities. The sight even became more pervasive when European youngsters began to imitate the cool-looking habit. Identity transforms itself, while contact is established within the “look” of culture.
12 euro for the DVD and please add 8 euro for shipping
To acquire a DVD, you can make a donation to my current film project. You then send an e-mail to Mieke.G.Bal@gmail.com with the address you wish the DVD to be sent. Please also include the details of your transfer (bank account no., name and date of transfer).where
M.G. Bal
IBAN: NL85ABNA0949591297
Gustav Mahlerlaan 10
1082 PP Amsterdam
The Netherlands